Booth No. |1453C

Attendance Date | 2017, January 19 - 22nd

To start off the year, Lingte Electronic Team heads over to the annual Namm Show Exhibiton held in Anaheim, California. We arrive days earlier to check out the Famous Universal Studios during setup days, beautiful tourist attraction. For the rest of the 3 days, we were able to greet our long time buyers from mainly North america and south america. 

The annual NAMM show arrives, as in the past, when 2017 's NAMM show opened in Anaheim, Calif., around 1 local time on 19th. As one of the most famous music exhibitions in the world, many well-known musical instrument manufacturers will display their newest products at the exhibition, and it is absolutely an audio-visual feast for many musicians.

As one of the most popular activities of musicians, NAMM show has brought us a lot of surprises, it almost reflects the highest standards and overall direction of the industry, so that we can see all kinds of music tools from all over the world, which is absolutely exciting for musicians. Suppliers such as ourselves make up oppuritniy for musicians, therefore it is a win win scenario

Universal Studios Entrance, Sales Manager Damon Liang (pictured above)

Simpsons attraction of SpringField

Illuminated Universal Studios sign as we leave to prepare for tomorrow

Our Booth at 1453C

1U SC3000 Amplifier with our minature USBPro Mp3 player